Governance Structure of Education African Scholars Global Connect (EASGC)
Education African Scholars Global Connect (EASGC) operates with a structured governance framework designed to ensure effective leadership, strategic oversight, and operational efficiency. The organization is structured into different teams and governing bodies that work collaboratively to achieve our mission of empowering African youths to pursue higher education abroad. The governance model consists of Founders/Co-founders, a Board of Directors, an Advisory Council, Communication and Advocacy Team (C&AT), Technical Team and a network of facilitators. This hierarchical structure fosters accountability, transparency, and efficiency in decision-making processes. The highest decision-making authority in the organization is the Board of Directors, led by the Founder/Chairman of the Board. The Board is responsible for setting strategic directions, overseeing financial and operational matters, approving major initiatives, and ensuring that the organization stays aligned with its mission and vision. The Founder/Chairman of the Board, plays a central role in providing leadership, guiding strategic priorities, and ensuring that all organizational activities align with the broader goals of the organization.
Decision-Making Process
1. Strategic Decisions: These are made at the Board level, where board members, including the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Financial Secretary, and other board representatives, deliberate on critical organizational matters. The Board meets monthly to review progress, discuss new initiatives, and approve key financial and strategic decisions. Quarterly summit meetings include all team members, ensuring broad participation in decision-making and policy review.
2. Operational Decisions: The Founder and Co-founder, along with the Communication and Advocacy Team (C&AT), oversee day-to-day activities, including engagements with mentees, scholarship awardees, and grant writing. Weekly staff meetings ensure proper coordination between team members and provide a platform to address challenges and implement solutions.
3. The Technical Team, led by the Information Technology Manager, handles all technology-related matters, including website maintenance and webinar
facilitation. They report to the Board and the Founders for approval of major technological initiatives.
4. Advisory and Consultative Decisions: The Advisory Council consists of experienced professionals from academia, nonprofit organizations, and business sectors. They do not participate in day-to-day operations but provide expert guidance and strategic advice to enhance decision making and long-term planning.
5. Facilitators’ Role: The organization collaborates with facilitators who are not official team members but provide valuable insights during webinar sessions to guide scholarship seekers.
Key Governance Features
• Accountability: The Board ensures financial transparency and operational effectiveness.
• Collaboration: Weekly, monthly, and quarterly meetings ensure inclusive decision making.
• Advisory Support: Senior professionals contribute to long-term strategic planning.
• Youth Empowerment: Young professionals take the lead in decision-making, fostering innovation and active engagement.
In conclusion, the governance structure of EASGC ensures that decisions are made efficiently and transparently. It enhances accountability, fosters inclusive decision-making, and aligns the organization with its vision of creating sustainable opportunities for young people in Nigeria and other African